SocialWorlds Publications
“Organizational memory as objects, processes, and trajectories: An examination of organizational memory in use”, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Journal, vol. 13, pp. 155–189, 2004.
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“Privacy in pervasive environments: next generation labeling protocols”, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 8, pp. 430–439, 2004.
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“Reexamining Organizational Memory”, Communications of the ACM, vol. 43, pp. 58–64, 2000.
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“Researching telemedicine: Capturing complex clinical interactions with a simple interface design”, Technical communication quarterly, vol. 17, pp. 358–378, 2008.
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“Sharing Knowledge and Expertise: The CSCW View of Knowledge Management”, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Journal, vol. 22, pp. 531-573, 2013.
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“Simplifying User-Controlled Privacy Policies”, IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 8, no. 4, 2009.
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“Social activity indicators for groupware”, Computer, vol. 29, pp. 37–42, 1996.
, “Soylent: A Word Processor with a Crowd Inside”, Commun. ACM, vol. 58, pp. 85–94, 2015.
, “User-Centered Design Groups to Engage Patients and Caregivers with a Personalized Health Information Technology Tool”, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, vol. 22, pp. 349–358, 2016.